Animal Free Basics...
Below are our articles on the subject of Animal Free Basics. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
10 Reasons To Be A Vegetarian
There are loads of great reasons to consider switching to a vegetarian diet. Have a look at our top ten if you're trying to decide if it's right for you....
Animal Free Stem Cells
Scientists have found a way to grow animal free embryonic stem cells. It's a step closer to using stem cells to one day treat diseases....
Animal Free: How You Can Make a Difference?
Making a difference to a cruelty free world is all about taking little steps to achieve a bigger overall picture. Get involved and change the way you think about…...
Animals in Entertainment
There are many types of entertainment that involve the use of animals. In many case animals are harmed or distressed. An animal free lifestyle means not supporting…...
Common Lifestyle Problems for Vegetarians
Deciding to become a vegetarian can be hard and there are some common pitfalls that will make life even harder. Watch out for these and use our tips to avoid them....
How to Become Animal Free
Animal products can be present in our lives in many ways – in our food, clothes or via animal testing, but it’s easy to avoid them once you know how....
How To Enjoy Animal Free Gardening
Many gardening additives contain animal by-products and if you want to be animal friendly you can’t kill garden pests. We’ll tell you how to grow veggies and be animal…...
How To Enjoy Animal Free Holidays
We don't often consider it, but animals can be affected by our choice of holiday. Use this guide to ensure you minimise your impact on local wildlife....
Is it Practical to be Animal Free?
A little learning goes a long way when it comes to living an animal free lifestyle. It is easy and practical to avoid a lot of animal products but many are here to stay....
Why Go Animal Free?
The benefits of switching to an animal free lifestyle can mean a healthier diet, a greener household and a clearer conscience as you do your bit for the global ecosystem....